Advice from Jimmy the Bartender


Periodically, I read Men’s Health at night before I go to sleep. There is an interesting page I look forward to reading in each issue titled “Jimmy the Bartender” that is devoted to reader’s questions. Although I don’t always agree with Jimmy’s advice, for the most part he seems like a fairly wise old fella’ who understands human nature.

This past weekend, I came across the following advice from Jimmy:


I share this with you to remind you of the following:

  1. Our kids are still kids and need our guidance, direction, and protection. Our experience with life and the mistakes that we’ve made (and hopefully learned from) can be great nuggets to help guide them in their journey. Be sure to take time to talk to your teens about the dangers of social media and help them learn appropriate ways to manage those tools.
  2. To that end (re: setting boundaries and using discretion with social media) SkyView is hosting a FREE showing of Screenagers for our parents on Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30. You can RSVP through the Thursday Wire.

If you have not yet had a chance to read some of my previous blogs regarding social media, please take a second to do so. And we very much look forward to having you join us for Screenagers on April 11.

